Sunday, October 12, 2008

Starting Out

A few days ago PIE and I decided to throw out the BC pills and try to get pregnant. Well, me get knocked up lol. With a history of a PID infection that went undiagnosed for nigh on 3 years during my active duty military days, an ectopic pregnancy that took my left tube, and a diagnosis of PCOS in 2006 the chances of me conceiving naturally are pretty slim.

We've decided to take the appropriate vitamins and herbal supplements to increase the likelihood of my ovulation. Stranger things have occurred!

This blog will be a record, pathway, history of my journey towards parenthood. We have chosen to stave off IVF and other fertility drugs for a few years so that nature can have a good chance to do her thing. If that doesn't happen within the next 3 years, then we'll revisit the scientific intervention option.

Stay tuned.....


Anonymous said...

WOW! What an amazing choice. I will be following your journey and I look forward to hearing you overcome the odds. I just know you will! Wishing you the very very best. Hugs

Just a Girl in a Port said...

I commend you on your endeavor. I know you have quite the journey ahead. Be strong and I'll be following your blog as you progress.

The Chicken Lady said...

Good luck Julez! Being a mom is a great adventure, that's for sure. The trying part of getting pregnant is nice. :) I'll be rootin' for ya!